"All Things Grace".
It will be a compilation of true stories that illustrate the all encompassing truth of Romans 8:28 and other great bible promises.
It is my prayer that this blog will be a tool of encouragement and hope for all of us who deal with (or have dealt with) failure, hurt, discouragement or disgrace.
These stories will be real life experiences. Some will be extremely transparent and raw. Others will be uplifting and humorous. All will be used to illustrate God's fascinating grace and perfect providence in our everyday lives.
God is not finished with your story. He is working in your life in so many surprising and amazing ways. Your failures and frustrations are temporal, His plan is eternal. I pray this blog and these stories will serve as a small window of hope, revealing a bigger picture of your circumstances, illuminated by the brilliant light of His promises.
Come on over and let me know what you think.
So glad we'll be hearing more from you on this new venue. I loved your first post, and have subscribed.