Thursday, October 28, 2010

Lessons of Grace--An interview with Tim Challies and David Murray

Here's the link to an interview I did with Tim Challies and David Murray on their Connected Kingdom podcast. Tim and David asked some great questions as they ministered to me with their kindness and encouragement. Both of these men have done much to spread the grace of Jake's story, which is the grace of God's story, throughout the bogosphere.

If you have about 17 extra minutes, give it a listen.

I pray that you find hope and grace in the gospel, for whatever circumstances life has brought your way. And remember, your circumstances do not determine God's love for you--the cross has already determined God's love for you.

Your circumstances are there to point you towards the hope of God in the gospel of His Son--to show you your weakness so that you may fall on His strength. So step back from whatever difficult situation you are in and look at the big picture of what God is doing in your life. When you do, you will see nothing but grace. And perhaps in that picture of grace you too have a story to tell to the world.

Thursday, October 14, 2010

A Few Words About Adoption: My Interview with S.D. Smith

A few days ago, I had the opportunity to answer some great questions from Sam Smith about adoption, the gospel, and the message of my book "Wrestling with an Angel". I hope you'll link on over to Sam's blog and read through the 2-part interview. My greater hope is that you will ask the Lord what your part will be in the lives of over 100,000,000 orphans worldwide. Don't ask Him whether you should get involved--He's already answered that question (Psalm 82:3-4). Ask Him how you should begin to make room in your life for the care of an orphan, either through the adoption process itself, or the by supporting others willing to open their homes to these forgotten children.